Visual Studio Marketplace Metrics

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A CharityWare repository for the Visual Studio Marketplace Metrics Chrome browser extension, that allows the user to see the total install count and other metrics for all their Visual Studio Marketplace extensions in one place.

This Chrome extension is officially available at the Chrome webstore.

YouTube demo

If you like this free extension, please give it a review.

Contributions to this project are welcome by raising an Issue or submitting a Pull Request.

Bugs can be logged here.

See the change log for release history.

Software License is available here.




Data for this extension is derived from the Visual Studio Marketplace DOM, which is of course subject to change by Microsoft at anytime, and which would cause the extension to cease functioning correctly. If this occurs the extension will inform the user and present them with details of how to inform the extension author - although I will have already spotted this myself of course.

The owner of this GitHub repository / software is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, employed by, sponsored by, or in any way officially connected with Microsoft or Google or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates.

Nor has this software been authorised, approved, verified or in anyway assessed by Microsoft or Google, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates.

All Trademark, intellectual property rights, and other rights belonging to Microsoft or Google apply.

All logos and links belong to Microsoft or Google and their use here and any associated goodwill inures to Microsoft or Google.

In no event shall Microsoft or Google be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or dealings in the software.


Table sorter

Console image